
Brownies from Dad

Posted on: 7-15-112012

I heard a story a long time ago that has always stuck with me.  It was about a father who had two teenagers.  The father had always tried to teach his children right from wrong and had tried to keep them on the straight and narrow path as much as he could.  He and his wife had made a decision that the children would not see any “R” rated movies.  The children had really never complained about it until one particular movie came out that “everyone” was seeing.  They begged their dad for permission to just go to this one movie.  They pleaded with him asking, “How bad can one movie be?  It’s just one little movie!”  The dad finally told them that he would think about it.  He said he would have his answer the next afternoon.  True to his word, the next afternoon, the dad called the kids into the kitchen to give them his answer.  They came racing into the kitchen, hoping that he would have the answer they wanted.  And sure enough, he did!  He told them they could go to the movie.  They were elated!  He told them he had also baked them some brownies to have as a snack before they went.  The teenagers anxiously cut into the brownies and were just about to take a big bite when the dad said, “Oh, and don’t worry…it’s only a little dog poop.” They had no idea what he was talking about.  “What do you mean…dog poop,” they questioned.  “In the brownies…there’s a little dog poop in the brownies. But don’t worry…how bad can it be?  It’s just one little piece of dog poop,” they dad said mocking what they had said to him the day before about the movie.  The teenagers quickly threw the brownies down in disgust!  They were mortified at what their father had done! The dad asked, “So, are you telling me that just a little bit of a bad thing can ruin a whole good thing?”  The teenagers just  looked at their dad.  Slowly, the realization of his point sunk in. Plans to go to the movie were abandoned.  They stayed home instead and made a good batch of brownies with their dad!

Sin in our lives is much like the dog poop in the brownies!  Just a little can ruin everything!

“Your iniquities have turned these things away, and your sins have withheld good from you.”  Jeremiah 5:25

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May 2012