
Archive for January 16th, 2014

On Monday I attended a conference in which Louisiana State Representative, Wesley T. Bishop, was one of the guest speakers.  One of the things he talked about that has really stuck with me was about the value of something in one person’s hand as compared to another’s.  He used several examples such as of how a piece of carbon in his own hands was of little to no value, but in an expert jeweler’s hands, it could be turned into a beautiful diamond,  how a rock in his hands could be thrown a few feet, but a rock in David’s hands became a tool in which Goliath was slain, and how one boy’s lunch in his hands could maybe feed a couple of people, but in the hands of Jesus that one lunch became a feast for thousands with food left over.  The very same concept is true for many things. In the hands of man, a manger served as a feeding place for animals, but in the hands of God a manger became the cradle that held the greatest treasure the world would ever know. In the hands of man, the cross was a tool intended for destruction, but in the hands of God, the cross became the very tool that bridged the gap between us and God. In our hands, the things we do on our own have little to no value, but when they things we do are put in God’s hands, they are of eternal value.  In the hands of Satan, our lives have no value, but in the hands of God, our lives are of infinite value. Choose wisely to whose hands you belong.

“…choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods of which your fathers served that were on the other side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.  But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15

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January 2014