
His Word Revives My Soul

Posted on: 7-15-112018

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul…” Psalm 19:7

Do you ever just feel exhausted in every bone of your body? Weary beyond the normal weary that a good night’s sleep will cure? Tired to the point that you are just functioning to survive? Mentally, emotionally, and physically just spent? We have probably all been there at some time or another in our lives, and we will probably be there again. Let’s be honest…life itself can suck the very life out of you! It’s demanding, it’s draining, and it’s overwhelming at times! When all of our energy has been spent just trying to make it through one more day, it’s easy to lose hope. We can become depleted and not know where to turn to gain anymore strength to keep on fighting the good fight. I’m currently in one of these tough seasons in life! There are so many things happening and honestly, I’m just tired of trying to keep it all together without going insane. God showed me the verse above  today and  reminded me that no matter what, I have to keep on clinging to His Word because it is what revives my soul. His Word is where I draw strength when I have none of my own. His Word is where I find hope when my hope is gone. His Word is what fuels and arms me to fight the battles being waged on me right now. His Word is where the lies of the enemy are defeated. His Word is where I find power to keep going one more day. His Word is where I find encouragement, support, guidance, and wisdom to face what is paralyzing me with fear. It is in His Word that I can be assured of finding Him, and in finding Him, I have found all I need to keep pressing forward!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

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July 2018