
Archive for April 5th, 2012

The Israelites were God’s chosen people.  He delivered them out of bondage from the Egyptians, He led them in the desert, He  provided for every need they had, and He even established a special covenant with them that said that if they would follow Him, He would be their God and they would be His people forever.  The Israelites enthusiastically declared that they would walk with God and be His people, but it wasn’t long before they denied the One who had done so much for them in order to follow other gods.  How hurt God must have been to know that the children He loved so dearly turned their back on Him and everything He had done for them in order to follow gods that He knew would only hurt them and bring destruction into their lives!  He could’ve walked away and allowed them to destroy themselves, but He didn’t!  Although He was angry and they had to face the consequences of their sins, God still loved His children.  He extended grace and mercy each time they repented and turned back toward Him.  He forgave them and covered their sins in His love.  He does the same for us today!  We fail Him over and over, yet He pours out love instead of wrath.  We declare our allegiance to Him only to walk away, yet He always takes us back.  We deserve His wrath, but He gives us pardon instead.  We reject Him, yet He always receives us.  We will never experience a greater or truer love than the one that He lavishes on us!

“But You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness, and did not forsake them.”  Nehemiah 9:17

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April 2012